Julian Kaufmann is an energy expert, entrepreneur, and author. Julian helps people get more out of life by applying science and universal spiritual truths to get more done by using less energy.
After his own spiritual awakening led him to discover the 4-flowgates for increasing your personal power, Julian wrote Let Go, Let It Flow – The PATH To Peace and Personal Power. This groundbreaking work teaches us how to apply Julian’s Theory of Conductivity in our life and more fully express and share our true gifts with the world. We are infused with abundant energy but unfortunately, we often waste our precious resources. As a result of the mismanagement of our life energy, our life’s work often suffers. Energy is the ability to do work and our life’s work is a measure of how efficiently and effectively we manage our energy. Julian is here to help turn you on, more brightly, and help you share your light with the world.
If you want to learn more about how to optimize Body, Mind, and Spirit, check out Julian’s latest book The Power of Presence – How to Amp-Up Your Life.
Join the next energy revolution by becoming a Prime Mover, Julian’s community of people wanting to do more with less.
FREE: Become a Prime Mover Today!
Julian is a husband and father to five. When he is not contemplating the nature of the universe and trying to raise his vibrational awareness, he may be laying down low-tones as a bass player in a rock band.