Happy morning after!

If you celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday yesterday, I hope you and your family enjoyed your time together. I know we did! I think I ate enough for two people, all the while being mindful of how fortunate I am to be able to indulge in such extravagances, especially multiple deserts after multiple servings of turkey, etc.
After our feasting, we put up our Christmas lights inside and outside of our home and heralded the beginning our observance of the Holiday Season. Like the songs says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
As I awoke from a food-induced coma today, I thought about another holiday tradition that years ago, I would occasionally partake in – shopping on Black Friday. Black Friday is named so because this is the date when retailers become profitable thanks to all the shoppers that cram their stores or now on-line, foraging for the best deals. The merchants go from operating in the red (losses) to earning a profit (black).
If you are venturing out to fight the masses today, I wish you all the best. For me today is another day of rest and reflection, which is why I wanted to write this quick post.
The word fulfilled means to be filled-up. Yesterday I literally filled myself up beyond my normal capacity in food, while being grateful for all the abundance in my life.
Abraham Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs starts with the basics of food, shelter, safety, etc. and progresses up to self-actualization where we begin to serve others. Today I am not shopping for goods or services, but rather wanting to find ways to be of service to others. My cup runneth over, and I want to share whatever I can if you are feeling thirsty. Please email me at [email protected] and let me know how I can help you. If you have any questions about my teachings and how to get more out of your life, by resisting less, I am eager to hear from you. Whatever is concerning you, I would love to be a helpful resource or just to more deeply connected with you.
2017 is shaping up to be a great year. My book Let Go, Let It Flow – The PATH to Peace and Personal Power will be released and I am embarking on several collaborative projects that I think will be of great value to you. If you would like to get more information on the book, please sign up here: Let Go Let It Flow
Meanwhile, I am excited for the year to come and am so grateful for all the wonderful things that have occurred. Here is to your peace and prosperity.